
Good design makes the world less shitty. There are prettier ways to say this, and uglier—but cathedrals, catheters, cat toys, Kit Kats, Krazy Kat, craisins, and cradles—all are the product of exemplary design. I aspire to equitable creations that reflect the generosity and spirit from which my world is formed, by which it is perpetuated. I am a writer. I fabricate language to facilitate cures—for onboarding ills, for submissions gaffes, for documentation mistakes. Clarity requires always context. Context is determined by research. Who are our users? What drives them? What do they need? Taglines, microcopy, CTAs, subs—these are distilled from people’s desires, people’s demands.

These desires, these demands, are transformed into letters and fixed upon a screen.

I am a designer. This is the verbal portion of design.

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